Erasmus-Dozentenaustausch – quid pro quo!
10 05 2016

Erasmus – das EuRopean Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students – ist auch in der neuen Programmperiode als Erasmus+ (mit dem Motto Changing lives. Opening minds.) seit 2014 das Aktionsprogramm der EU für die Hochschulbildung. Es ermöglicht Studierenden und Dozenten, akademische und persönliche Erfahrungen in anderen europäischen Staaten zu sammeln und deren Studienangebote sprachlich, kulturell und fachlich zu nutzen. Während bei ersteren dies gang und gäbe ist, besteht bei letzteren Aufholbedarf.
Warsaw National Defence University
- PAUSCHENWEIN "Peace Support Operations".
- FISCHER "Military Decision-Making Process at battalion level - Area security operation”.
- Erasmus+ students
- Future generals from the AOSC (Advanced Operational Strategic Course)
- Future majors from the HOTC (Higher Operational Tactical Course)
The purpose of the lectures was:
- to provide a clear common understanding of the concept of PSO, a.k.a. CRO or CMO, so as to enhance the officer’s ability to better communicate within a PSO environment as a vital prerequisite for international cooperation in crisis management and
- to provide an insight into the Austrian way of the Military Decision-Making Process by way of a given scenario.
At the sidelines:
Talks were held with
- the Vice-Rector for Military Affairs, COL Prof. Dariusz MAJCHRZAK, who is a shining example of the Erasmus exchange lecturer community, teaching in 2013 at our MEMO Course and now having been appointed number 2 on the impressively large campus.
- the Vice-Dean of the Management and Command Faculty, COL Prof. Bogdan GRENDA, who explored possible co-operation with the TMA.
Wiener Neustadt Theresan Military Academy
Time: 5th to 8th April, 2016
Three English language teachers on the Academy’s permanent staff, namely THULLER, and PAUSCHENWEIN, as well as five contracted teachers, namely, BOTTORFF, BLECHA, KISS, SZYNAL (Erasmus), GRAUSZER, and LAMBAUER, provided the students with technical and linguistic expertise. Audience:
On top of the 23 students from the sixth semester eight lecturers from Institute 2 augmented the audience, bringing the grand total to 31 participants
The purpose of the LSPT was:
- to promote students’ reproductive (active) skills (speaking and writing) as well as their receptive (passive) skills (listening and reading) to a minimum of STANAG level 2.5,
- to thereby prepare them for the final SLP Exam with a view to improving scores and
- to reach the minimum score of STANAG 2.5 (or 2+) has to be reached in all the four skills!
The Way Ahead ...
It was decided that
- this momentum of the Erasmus lecturer exchange should be maintained,
- the objectives have been fully met and that
- this one definitely was both a personally and professionally rewarding event.
Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die anfängliche Euphorie des Dozentenaustausches erhalten bleibt! Denn:
Nur wer sich selber (in Europa) bewegt, kann (in Europa) etwas bewegen!
[Inhalt: ObstdhmfD Mag. Gernot PAUSCHENWEIN, MAS/TherMilAk, Bilder: Bild 01 Korporal Markus Fuchs, Bild 02, 03 ObstdhmfD Mag. Gernot PAUSCHENWEIN, MAS]